Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On The Horizon: TimeTracker Billing And Expenses

Coming in the near future: preview of RoloFlex TimeTracker Billing and Expenses System

The TimeTracker from Applause Software is a module for business that allows you to use your RoloFlex CRM and PIM [customer relations manager/personal information manager] to track projects, time, expenses, and invoice for same.

Look for TimeTracker [now in Alpha Testing] to be released in the future!

Note: a more "professional" skin theme system is added to RoloFlex with this release. Please click on the picture for a closer view!

More screenshots to come as the system develops.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Announcment: RoloFlex 12.5 Released!

RoloFlex 12.5 was released on November 4th, 2007 and has been rated by TuCows (4 out of 5 cow rating), Paul's Picks (5 star rating), and has garnered a "editor's pick" rating from

The next releases will be "RoloFlex Companion" products which interface with RoloFlex and will be available mainly for professional version licenses.

Next upcoming release: EMail Module for RoloFlex, due November 15 2007. See screenshots on www.RoloFlex.Biz.

Thanks for all who have contributed to this release with feedback and suggestions!

Peter And Kimberly Donovan
Boston, MA USA